Health and Safety

Elmwood OSCAR ensures clients, staff and visitors are protected from risk

Programme Supervision

  • A minimum of two staff to always effectively supervise children. Staff must be located within sight and sound of the children they are supervising. The staff member to child ratio is maintained at all times. This means:

    • an on-site ratio of 1:10; and

    • an off-site ratio of 1:8; and

    • a ratio of 1:4 when using the school swimming pool.

  • A minimum of two staff members must always supervise any swimming activities. Under no circumstances can one staff member supervise swimming.

  • Coordinator checks the premises regularly to ensure that activity areas (both indoor and outdoor) allow sufficient, effective supervision, without furniture or items unnecessarily blocking sight.

  • Staff members need to position themselves appropriately to maximize the effectiveness of supervision of children.

  • Where possible, inside/outside free flow is always encouraged. In this case, areas that cannot be effectively supervised (eg. rooms not in use, etc.) may be closed.

Buildings and Facilities

Elmwood OSCAR Premises

The building/s that Elmwood OSCAR uses to operate from will be fit for purpose. Premises are safe and comply with all relevant legislation as well as local city council requirements. Potential hazards to the safety of children are repaired, removed, or made inaccessible.

  • Elmwood OSCAR is responsible for cleaning OSCAR buildings and facilities.

  • Elmwood Normal School is responsible for maintaining all buildings and facilities.

  • Elmwood OSCAR will follow OSCAR guidelines on facility requirements.

  • The Elmwood OSCAR management committee will liaise with the school in the event of any problems, including potential hazards to the safety of Elmwood OSCAR children.

  • Staff will ensure that cleaning products and equipment are stocked safely, and in sufficient quantity, to enable effective cleaning to be undertaken at any time.

  • Premises, grounds, and all equipment and furnishings used by Elmwood OSCAR will be maintained in a safe, clean, and hygienic condition, and comply, as appropriate, with local city or district council requirements.

  • The boundaries for playing outside will be clearly identified. Children must be within sight of staff and able to hear a voiced direction at all times. Children must not play on the grassed area near the road.

School Pool

  • All staff and children must follow the Elmwood Normal School Pool User rules when in the pool area.

  • All staff will undergo Elmwood Normal School Pool training to meet pool supervision requirements.

  • A SAP form will be completed at the start of every swimming season

  • Staff ratio of 1:4 when in the pool area


  • The venue is expected to be left in a clean and tidy state at the end of each session.

  • A cleaning kit is provided to staff and staff have access to a vacuum cleaner, mop and bucket, as well as cloths and sprays for cleaning up.

  • Cleaning may be required throughout the programme and at least once a day.

  • The staff are responsible for ensuring the venue is kept clean, tidy, and dust-free. This includes the kitchen and toilet area.

  • All dangerous cleaning materials are to be stored out of reach of children.

Toilet Facilities

Children will have access to a toilet, both onsite and off-site (if on a trip) during the programme's hours of operation.

  1. Onsite toilets

  • The toilets in the room 5 and 6 block are available for staff and children to use (a key is provided).

  • Toilet facilities will be checked daily and steps will be taken to ensure they are clean and have enough toilet paper, soap, and something suitable for drying hands.

  • At the end of each day at the programme venue, the staff will ensure that all of the toilets are checked and locked.

  1. Toilets when on trips

  • During off site visits, staff will carry hand sanitizer and tissues in the event that offsite toilet facilities are lacking adequate supplies.

  • On trips, staff must supervise young children (Year 3 and below) when using public toilets and older children (Year 4 and above) must enter the toilet facilities in pairs and tell a staff member that they are going to the toilet and let them know when they have returned. If toilet facilities are far from the group, a staff member must accompany the child(ren) to the toilet block.

Food Preparation

  1. Breakfast and Snacks

  • Children that require breakfast in the before-school programme will be provided with breakfast, which will follow nutritional guidelines.

  • Children will be provided with afternoon tea, which will follow nutritional guidelines, e.g. sandwiches, cut-up fruit, crackers, etc.

  • Occasionally, the children may be treated with biscuits and snack food, for example, at the end of term or on the last day of the holiday programme.

  • Staff are responsible for planning food supplies for breakfast, afternoon tea, and for baking during the holiday programme.

  • Food purchase is carried out by a designated staff member, usually at the beginning of the week.

  1. Allergies

  • It is the responsibility of parents/guardians to maintain up-to-date information on allergies, intolerances, and other dietary requirements on Enrolmy.

  • Parents are required to fully brief staff on any allergies or requirements their child/ren may have.

  • Staff are required to check enrolmy for allergies and dietary requirements of children attending the programme.

  • Common known allergens are to be avoided (e.g. peanuts).

  1. Storage

  • Staff are also responsible for ensuring that the breakfast and afternoon tea is stored, prepared, and delivered to the children as planned and with regard to safe food practices.

  • All food is to be stored in an appropriate container, refrigerator, or freezer.

  • If food is being taken on an outing, it may be stored in a cooler bag with ice or something suitable.

  • Food must not sit out for long periods of time. All food will be stored hygienically until it is served to the children.

  • All food will be checked before use for expiry dates.

  1. Preparation

  • The food preparation area is to be cleaned daily, all dishes are to be washed and benches to be wiped down.

  • Hands will be washed and dried thoroughly, before all food preparation.

  • Food will be prepared in the kitchen area, with access to a microwave, fridge, hot water, and cooker.

  • All children and staff are to wash their hands prior to eating.

  1. Rubbish and Recycling

Rubbish will be sorted into recyclable or other disposal. It is the responsibility of the staff to ensure that rubbish is disposed of suitably.

Smokefree Environment

Smoking and Vaping

The Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products (Vaping) Amendment Act 2020 (the Amendment Act) bans smoking and vaping in indoor workplaces, early childhood centres and schools. As such, smoking and vaping in all its forms is banned at Elmwood OSAR and anywhere on the school premises.

Sun Safety

Sun Safety Procedures

Elmwood OSCAR promotes sun safety for children and staff. The following procedures are followed:

  • Children will be required to wear hats while they are outside during Term 1 and Term 4.

  • Parents are expected to provide their child/ren with a sunhat during the program.

  • Every effort will be made to ensure the children are wearing their hats when outdoors.

  • A limited number of hats are provided for those who have forgotten to bring a hat.

  • Sun block will be provided if the child does not have it. If the child has an allergy the parent will be asked to supply their own.

  • Children will be encouraged to play in the shade on warm, sunny days. Activities will be provided in shaded areas where possible.

Staff will act as role models by

  • wearing hats.

  • using sunscreen.

  • seeking shade whenever possible.

  • regularly reinforcing sun protection policy in a positive manner.

Medical and First Aid

First Aid Kits

A maintained First Aid kit will be kept at Elmwood OSCAR at all times, including during off site visits.

  • The First Aid kit (see Appendix) will be checked prior to the start of each term and each holiday programme and restocked by staff as supplies are used.

  • The First Aid kit will be stored in the programme venue or in a staff's backpack during outings.

  • On all days of operation, at least one staff member will hold a current First Aid certificate.

Storage and Dispense Of Medication

All medication required whilst at the programme must be reported and collected by the staff. Procedures to be followed for administration of medications:

  • Parent/guardian must give written consent for medicine to be administered. This information should be completed on the appropriate form, where possible, and must include the child’s name and dosage.

  • All medicine must be kept out of reach of all children.

  • All medications sent to the programme are to be administered by a staff member.

  • Medications with the child's name on the label will only be given to the child whose name is on the label.

  • During an off site visit, medication is to be kept in the staff backpack, which is to remain with the programme at all times.

  • At no time are children to have any medication in their personal effects during programme operation, with the exception of ventolin and epipens for students whose parents have expressed that the student is able to monitor and use the medication independently.

Accidents and Incidents

Minor Incidents

Minor first-aid incidents such as minor cuts, scrapes, or scratches do not require an incident form to be completed. First-aid treatment can be applied using the appropriate measure (plaster, antiseptic cream, wash, etc).


  • All accidents to children, staff or visitors must be documented.

  • Parents are informed either by sighting the Accident form, or by phone call or a note sent home.

  • Any treatment given during the accident must be recorded in the Accident/incident form.

  • In the case of serious harm, the committee Chairperson must be informed

  • In the case of serious harm, an OSH form may need to be submitted within 7 days of the injury.

  • Parents/caregivers sign the Accident/Incident Report Form when informed and on-site.

Unwell Children

Becoming Ill Prior to Attendance

Children presenting signs of illness or medical concern will not be permitted to attend the programme until symptoms are no longer present and the appropriate exclusion period has been completed. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Respiratory infections including influenza, strep throat, and any illness with common cold or COVID-19 like symptoms

  • Scabies, school sores, chicken pox, conjunctivitis, or other contagious infections

  • Diarrhoea and vomiting

For a complete list of infectious illness and diseases, symptoms, and exclusion periods, please visit this page on the Ministry of Health website.

Staff and management have the right to refuse a child who is obviously infectious to other children or staff. This is necessary for the well-being of all the children at our programme. If a child has a contagious illness, they will be required to stay away from the programme until they are no longer contagious. It may be necessary for the parent to supply a doctor’s certificate under certain circumstances to enable the child to return to Elmwood OSCAR.

Becoming Ill During the Programme

  • If a child becomes ill during the programme, they will be made comfortable, put into a quiet area, and the parents/guardian will be notified.

  • A staff member with first aid training will be assigned to keep an eye on the child to ensure they do not deteriorate.

  • If the child requires urgent medical attention, the ambulance or doctor will be contacted, and parents will be informed.

  1. Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis

Maintenance and Safety Checks

Elmwood OSCAR will conduct regular safety checks on facilities and equipment using the Hazard Identification form.

  • Safety checks will be completed at the beginning of each week both during term time and during the holiday programme.

  • The Hazard Identification form will be dated and signed by a team leader or shift supervisor.

  • Damaged play equipment will be put aside for repair or replacement.

  • Unsafe or broken equipment or facilities belonging to the school will be reported directly to the school caretaker or in writing to the school by the Chairperson (or delegate).

  • Any damaged or unsafe equipment or facility that the staff believes will put the Elmwood OSCAR children at risk must be recorded in the Elmwood OSCAR Hazard and immediate steps taken to isolate the children from the hazard until such time as the risk has been mitigated.

Safety Action Plans

All risks are to be identified and managed to ensure a safe environment for all present at the programme. A Safety Action Plan is completed for any off site activities or any high risk activities onsite.

Fire Procedure

Fire Warden (Team Leader / Shift Supervisor) is to ensure these procedures happen:

  • At the first sign of fire or smoke raise the alarm, operate the whistle – call “FIRE” if there is no alarm.

  • The Fire Warden will be identified by a red armband marked Warden.

  • Evacuate the children through the exit door by calling instructions e.g. “OK everyone leave the building quietly now and wait outside in front of the junior playground. Do not run” etc. Ensure everyone leaves the building.

  • Assemble children quickly and quietly. Children will assemble by the junior playground (if the fire cannot be extinguished with the fire extinguisher, walk the children to the courts by the school field). A physical check of all areas is to be carried out by the Fire Warden (Coordinator).

  • The Fire Warden must take the roll and action roll with them on leaving the building. The Warden will match the roll to children and staff.

  • If it is a small fire – a staff member can put it out with the fire extinguisher.

  • If necessary, a staff member will call 111.

  • The Fire Warden will ensure everyone assembles at the pre-arranged spot. They will check immediately that everyone is there, including all staff. They will ensure everyone stays together until they can go back in or all children are collected.

Elmwood OSCAR will have all staff trained as fire wardens and evacuation procedure drills will be carried out each term and in the first few days of each school holiday programme. Smoke detectors are installed inside the building.

Evacuation procedure: Earthquake

If staff and children are inside, have everyone go only a few steps to a safety spot already identified by the staff.


  • Stand or crouch under a strong supported doorway, get under a sturdy table or desk, or brace themselves in an inside corner of the building.

  • Choose an area away from hazards such as windows or tall heavy furniture that can fall.

  • If they are outside, find a clear area away from buildings, trees and power lines.

  • If they are in the street, move children into a shop doorway or crouch beside parked vehicles.

The shift supervisor or other staff member will need to call out instructions to the children, many will forget what to do and will need explicit direction. A Coordinator or other staff will talk to the children throughout the shaking to reassure them, and make sure once they’ve ducked and covered that they remain there until given further instruction.

After the shaking stops, the supervisor and other staff members should:

  • Be prepared for aftershocks.

  • Reassure children that they are safe and that their parents will collect them (if it is a large-scale earthquake).

  • Check people for injuries and give First Aid if needed.

  • Inspect for damage and ascertain if evacuation is necessary.

  • Remain with the children until all are collected. (Note: there may be considerable delays).

  • This is the responsibility of all staff.

Lockdown procedure

A shift supervisor or other staff will quietly voice instructions to the children. Staff will do the following:

  • Move all the children and staff inside and lock the door.

  • Obtain the toilet bucket and toilet paper from the shed.

  • Lock all windows.

  • Draw the curtains.

  • Turn off any unnecessary electrical equipment.

  • Move children to the safest place identified by a Coordinator.

  • The Coordinator is to carry the cell phone on them.

  • Take cover.

Remain in lockdown until you receive the all-clear from the Chairperson, School Principal or the Police. Staff members are required to:

  • Reassure children that they are safe and that their parents will collect them as soon as possible.

  • Remain with the children until all are collected. (Note: there may be considerable delays).

Emergency Drills

Regular drills will be carried out:

  • At the start of each term for the before-school and after-school programmes.

  • At the beginning of each holiday programme.

Records of drills will be kept which will state:

  • The date and time of the drill

  • The staff who were present

  • Designated role of staff (in relation to the drills)

  • Follow-up actions required the

Off-site Excursions


The staff : child ratio will be a maximum of 1:8. A Safety Action Plan will be made for all outings which should be sighted by the committee chairperson prior to the trip departing.

The staff will bring along on all outings:

  • Contact and medical information for each child

  • The programme cell-phone for emergencies.

  • A first-aid kit.

In the event of accident or breakdown, the following procedures apply:

  • Ensure the children are calm and safe.

  • Ensure children are closely supervised by staff at the roadside, away from oncoming vehicles, while waiting for a rescue vehicle to arrive.

  • In the instance that it is unsafe outside of the vehicle the children are to remain inside the vehicle.

  • In the instance that it is unsafe for children to remain inside or outside the vehicle, the police will be contacted for support.

  • Parents/caregivers will be contacted if the programme will be returning to the venue later than expected.


Elmwood OSCAR prefers to host activities onsite at Elmwood Normal School. Occasionally we make use of local facilities within walking distance of the premises.

In the event that an excursions went further afield and transport was required, the following applies:

  • Children will be transported safely in appropriate vehicles.

  • All vehicles must meet the current regulations for New Zealand.

  • Vehicles may include buses, vans, or private vehicles.

  • All vehicles must hold a current WOF and Registration.

  • A copy of the vehicle operator’s drivers’ licence may be requested.

  • If travelling in more than one vehicle, the vehicles will travel in convoy to the destination and/or communication will be available from vehicle to vehicle. This may include cell phone, walkie talkie, or similar.

  • Parents/caregivers will be informed prior to any off-site visit involving transport and permissions forms obtained. This may be included as part of the Enrolment procedure for school holiday programmes.